Originally Posted by merlino
Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by merlino
Originally Posted by RushStreet
Another question...

Why are cartels still committing hits in the United States though and the Italians are not? Just a couple days ago a Mexican couple in a Chicago suburb was found blown to pieces along with their children and 3 dogs. Word is that the guy was in WITSEC. Why are the Mexicans not having issues whacking people and the Italians are? Are the Italians too Americanized in 2023?

Think that answer is like the Sopranos and AJ, how he was so soft and three is more money to be made being legit today than shaking down drug addicts and gamblers

Yes Can you imagine fuckin AJ taking over this dads business? WTF?!! LOL HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

And People wonder why there isn't any action anymore.

That's why the Mexican cartels are so strong in their area, due to having thousands of soldiers with not much of hope in their country to look to, same with in some areas of Bolivia, Columbia, Peru, etc. Philly and some areas of Chicago it is the same in the black neighborhoods where you have all these young kids who are children of young moms that have zero hope from their environment and get a gun and rob, sell and murder; its a shame in America you have neighborhoods in Philly, NY, Chicago, wherever that people are doing this as the norm now, these are American citizens and people in our government ignore them and also exploit them for social political and monetary gain and those politicians and grifters are doing so with blood on their hands, its a fkn shame

Lets look at a hypothetical scenario here. A guy with lots of money, and I mean lots of it, offers employment to these kids. He says "I'll pay you a guaranteed salary where you will be able to afford a house, raise a family. Enjoy a nice life so come work for me."

Do these kids take his offer or are they too far gone and not smart enough to accept the opportunity?