Originally Posted by RushStreet
Someone explain to me why the fuck we feel the need to not cross the Mexican Government? Why? I do not understand this!

They will never ever ever be able to defeat us if we invaded and fuckin whiped them out. Who the fuck would come to their aid? Anyone care to answer that question? No one is coming to save Mexico if we went in there guns blazing and just destroying everything and everyone that is connected to organized crime. Thats just the facts! We know exactly where everyone is right now , all their hubs, factories, all we would need is to go in there and everything would be fucking blown up in a matter of hours.

What can they possibly do to us? Tariff us on fuckin Avocados? Big fuckin deal.

They have way more to lose than to gain if they fuckin did something after we invaded. 90% of their people would suffer due to being so dependent on the United States. That Mexican President loves to talk and talk but he knows damn well it would be a death sentence if he stood in our way with military force.

To help Mexican Government,the USA should purge all the rogue politicians and act against the cities that are the narcos strongholds in an immaginary world that would be possible in the real life,the US Government should send the army to take control of the narcos strongholds and that is impossible because Mexico is a sovereign state and the americans prefer to think that the Trump with his wall on the border will keep the narcos out US soil.