Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
No. They are getting more violent in the States. California is a cash cow for them, then of all the drug users on the streets in that state alone. Some of the politicians in California are rumored to be in the cartels pockets and the cartels have some deep pockets, they even own the Mexican President pretty much. That is just one state.

Yes theres a lot of violence but if they start killing public officials like in the old country, I dont think theyll last more then a week in the states.

You're 1000% correct TD. The U.S. Military would annihilate them in a flash. With all their bullshit they would get stepped on like the cockroach they are by Uncle Sam.

So why the fuck would that not work in Mexico then? Do we really need avocados that badly? Btw all the people that run here for work would be thrilled if our military took care of the bs down there. We could also get the Mexican military to turn on their president in aboout two seconds.

Last edited by RushStreet; 09/20/23 06:21 AM.