Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Brovelli
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Brovelli
@nymafia I don’t entirely agree with your perspective. Only 2 years ago the entire Columbo administration was taken down, there’s been nothing big this year but still maybe 5 or so cases? I don’t know what the comparison is to times gone by but if I’m in the mob I’m seeing it as a great thing that there’s fewer getting arrested. Even with all these guys on YouTube telling everyone exactly how it works there’s still not many arrests but we know there are still a good number of made guys out there. I think it’s all perspective whether we call them smart for being under the radar or that their weak. I expect not far off 50% if not more of their money is now legitimate, does that mean they’re dying or they’re being smart and setting themself up for some kind of future? I’m on the fence on the answer but it’s definitely interesting

Everyone here is entitled to his or her own perspective, obviously.

But the MAIN reason why you're not seeing many OC cases made anymore is because 90% of what they used to make a living from is either no longer feasible in todays economy and business world with the changing technology and law enforcement's sophistication, or its become completely legalized, so its no longer available to them as a revenue source.

Trust me when I tell ya, it isn't because street guys have become so ultra savvy, or have gone "under the radar," that they're not getting caught up in indictments.

Its because there are very few illicit and profitable rackets still available to them by which they can make a living. Otherwise, all the wiseguys and knockaround guys would be out there doing it, and all those in law enforcement would be out there making cases against them and pinching them!

We spoke on this before and my opinion is they have done a pretty good job in construction, restaurants and other legit businesses like that. They’re not on the scale they once were in certain industries but New York is one big fuck off city with plenty of money to be made. There’s random businesses like local grocery stores and bottled water companies and all sorts of random businesses they’re making money in. Frank cali owned some kind of produce business I believe. I do agree that regular street businesses will go into decline, and those guys frankly should probably turn to drugs if they haven’t already. Although I do think loan sharking still holds place as a good money maker for quick money people with bad credit struggling businesses etc. they must have made a ton loansharking to businesses during the pandemic

Brovelli, I agree there are plenty of "legit" businesses to get into that are moneymakers. But thats NOT organized crime. Thats NOT what we are debating here. Thats legitimate business, understand?

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Brovelli
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Brovelli
@nymafia I don’t entirely agree with your perspective. Only 2 years ago the entire Columbo administration was taken down, there’s been nothing big this year but still maybe 5 or so cases? I don’t know what the comparison is to times gone by but if I’m in the mob I’m seeing it as a great thing that there’s fewer getting arrested. Even with all these guys on YouTube telling everyone exactly how it works there’s still not many arrests but we know there are still a good number of made guys out there. I think it’s all perspective whether we call them smart for being under the radar or that their weak. I expect not far off 50% if not more of their money is now legitimate, does that mean they’re dying or they’re being smart and setting themself up for some kind of future? I’m on the fence on the answer but it’s definitely interesting

Everyone here is entitled to his or her own perspective, obviously.

But the MAIN reason why you're not seeing many OC cases made anymore is because 90% of what they used to make a living from is either no longer feasible in todays economy and business world with the changing technology and law enforcement's sophistication, or its become completely legalized, so its no longer available to them as a revenue source.

Trust me when I tell ya, it isn't because street guys have become so ultra savvy, or have gone "under the radar," that they're not getting caught up in indictments.

Its because there are very few illicit and profitable rackets still available to them by which they can make a living. Otherwise, all the wiseguys and knockaround guys would be out there doing it, and all those in law enforcement would be out there making cases against them and pinching them!

We spoke on this before and my opinion is they have done a pretty good job in construction, restaurants and other legit businesses like that. They’re not on the scale they once were in certain industries but New York is one big fuck off city with plenty of money to be made. There’s random businesses like local grocery stores and bottled water companies and all sorts of random businesses they’re making money in. Frank cali owned some kind of produce business I believe. I do agree that regular street businesses will go into decline, and those guys frankly should probably turn to drugs if they haven’t already. Although I do think loan sharking still holds place as a good money maker for quick money people with bad credit struggling businesses etc. they must have made a ton loansharking to businesses during the pandemic

Brovelli, I agree there are plenty of "legit" businesses to get into that are moneymakers. But thats NOT organized crime. Thats NOT what we are debating here. Thats legitimate business, understand?

Yea I’m more addressing the points as to why there are fewer indictments and whether that’s an indication of their demise or not. My general point is: there’s fewer indictments because they’re not killing people abd because they’re making money in legitimate businesses more than they are illegal. Whether that means they are in the gutter or they’re being clever I’m not convinced one way or the other.