Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted by jace
There are many arrests, but the mob is no longer as big as it was, not close. OC is now Mexican, Colombian, Asian, and mixed race groups. The mafia is at its strongest on internet forums.

Yeah, but take the drug business away from them and most of them will collapse.

What set traditional organized crime like the Mafia, Triads or Yakuza apart from later organized crime groups is that they were able to diversify their rackets and knew how to work themselves a way into the legitimate world. Even though later kind of organized crime groups do dabble in other rackets, the vast majority of their bread and butter comes from the drug trade with - especially for Asian and Eastern European groups - prostitution on the side. I'm really curious how long non-traditional organized crime groups will survive as functioning money making criminal enterprises when they won't be able to rely on the drug trade.

Counterfeit goods are one of the biggest rackets now, and have been for many years. They are run by Asians and Africans. There was a recent bust in New York of a big ring, but they only nabbed the street vendors. There are importers in Africa and Asia who never set foot here, yet control things through their men. Illegal immigration and in some cases legal have been a boost to them. There are South American theft rings operation all over major cities, for some reason they get little coverage.

I think people (Not you) can't admit, or can't realize that the Italian-American Mafia is as close to dead as can be, and is way behind other groups now, Look at most Gangland.news stories the past year, all about associates and poker games, with the biggest story being an associate being killed by his non-associate son over money!

I think those rackets get little coverage because a lot of people think of selling counterfeit goods and running theft rings as basically one step above petty crime. It's not as "sexy" (for the lack of a better word) as stuff like narcotics, loansharking, gambling, prostitution, extortion, etc... There are counterfeit rings all over the world, but people rarely cover them because most people don't seem to outright "fear" those kind of organizations.