How is it even possible that there are virtually NO mob arrests, NO mob indictments, in any of these former major organized crime strongholds?

New York City
Upstate New York
New Jersey
Philadelphia, PA
Providence, RI
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Detroit, MI
Miami, FL
Tampa, FL
Los Angeles, CA...and at least a dozen other cities; Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Pittston, Buffalo, etc.?

Even in NYC (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, The Bronx, Queens,) long considered the benchmark and "ground zero" for organized crime in the United States, there's only been a trickle of generally boring - ho-hum indictments - in recent years. Indictments, that years ago, would have largely gone unnoticed because of the steady stream of interesting, complex major Mafia indictments being dropped daily on the heads of important mob figures?

You think the wiseguys are being more careful now, and thats the reason they're not getting pinched? LOL...I seriously doubt it. If anyone believes that fairytale, then there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell them.

It is extremely telling! And it is, without a doubt, indicative of their "current" state of affairs (if they even still have a state of affairs, lol) of whats left of organized crime nowadays...It seems they're quickly going the way of the American Buffalo and the Dinosaur.

You can liken whats left of today's organized crime's racket "pie" to a dead carcass, with no meat left on the bones whatsoever...And the fellas that remain are all trying to scrape those bare dry bones to eke out a few dollars. Hard to believe, yet true!

I never thought I'd see it in our lifetime.

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/19/23 04:59 AM.