Originally Posted by Zavattoni

You got to me a bit; You’re not the type to be blunt towards me lol.

Anyways…(I’m kidding btw) I get what you’re saying…

Where did the Panarella/Franzese rumor come from??

But you do have to admit…. Panarella had a violent crew…..,.. Wasn’t he Greg Scarpa’s “Captain/Capo”?

Lol. I'm not trying to be contrary or argumentative, at all. So please don't take it that way. I'm just trying to make you understand my viewpoints and "mob" logic.

And I have no idea whatsoever where a rumor such as the Panarella/Franzese alliance would have started. Truth be told, I'm not sure I've ever even really read or heard about such a thing (I may have, but I don't recall it.)

And Panarella did have a violent and capable crew. But even with that, you gotta understand, that men are "assigned" to you by the administration, and, likewise, men are "pulled" from you and assigned elsewhere.

So many of those so-called soldiers of his, may not have really been "his" own personal men to begin with, understand? And in that case, they may not have necessarily been loyal to Charlie Moose.

In fact, thats an "age old" tactic in the mob used by the bosses to keep everybody in line and always have their ears to the ground in every single crew. It's a good way to prevent insurrection.

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/13/23 07:52 PM.