There is a lot of gibberish that gets started, and is later bandied around, by guys who start bullshit rumors, or guys who don't know what the fuck they're really talking about who just talk for the sake of talking. Follow what I'm trying to say here?

So a lot of what you may have heard is false.

A good example of this might be the fact that Panarella moved out to Vegas. First of all, truth be told, Charlie loved to gamble. So him later choosing to move out to LV, is, for me at least, no great leap.

And as far as him being demoted? That may or may not have been the case. I cannot speak to that because I don't have any real direct knowledge of that situation.

If he abused his men, Junior might have "broke" him down from capo to soldier. And if Charlie balked at that, Junior may have gone further and decided to "shelve" him too! Who really knows?

But also keep in mind, his offense, if there even was an "offense" to begin with, may not have been that serious that he deserved to get whacked out, understand? Because not every violation of the rules dictates that a guy's gotta go. Theres' gotta be sufficient reason for it.

But, regardless of whether he was a soldier in good standing, or not, he was getting older, he had done a lot of time, and he was hot. A member has a right to relocate where he likes (with the permission of the boss, of course.)

So, it may be he just requested permission to move out west. After all, he wouldn't be the first guy to do that. right?

Maybe he knew a few guys out there who he went into business with, or had action with. Maybe he had a few friends out there (I know he did.) Maybe he wanted to semi-retire. It could be a lot of things, or all of those things.
Lastly, as far as the "alleged" conspiracy between Panarella/Franzese and their alliance to overthrow the Persico administration?

I think it's laughable. Downright comical. And I suggest that you don't believe any of that nonsense.

Sonny was NEVER gonna go against Junior in a million years. No less with a guy like a Panarella. Sonny was way too loyal and shrewd for a bonehead move like that.

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/13/23 04:28 PM.