First of all. I wanna thank everyone who participated in this question I posted. It was enjoyable. I hope you enjoyed it like I did.

Here is the official breakdown of (FBI recognized) Cosa Nostra borgatas that operated in the United States.

What follows below were the States that had more than one indigenous "Family" as homegrown Families originating in that state. Remember fellas, other families may have operated in some of these states as well, but they had their "home base" elsewhere.

California (3 families); Los Angeles (Dragna), San Jose (Cerrito), San Francisco (Lanza)

Illinois (3 families); Chicago (Accardo), Rockford (Zammuto), Springfield (Zito)

Missouri (2 families); St. Louis (Giordano) and Kansas City (Civella)

Pennsylvania (3 families); Philadelphia (Bruno), Pittsburgh (La Rocca), Pittston-Scranton (Bufalino)

Wisconsin (2 families); Milwaukee (Balistrieri) and Madison (Caputo)

Note: The three remaining states listed below had only one “officially” recognized homegrown Cosa Nostra Family.

Michigan; Detroit (Zerilli)
New England area (Patriarca)
New Jersey; Elizabeth (DeCavalcante)

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/12/23 02:58 PM.