Throughout the years it has been well established by the FBI and other federal and local law enforcement agencies that Cosa Nostra (at one time at least,) operated at least 26 known Families, or “borgatas” throughout the United States of America.

And generally speaking, the FBI also established that these particular Families were each awarded or assigned a specific city, state or overall “territory” which then became exclusively theirs and theirs alone.

Yet, we also know, as in the case of New York State, the notorious “Five Families” shared and cut up New York City and its outer suburbs among them like a pizza pie. And for that matter, Upstate New York boasted a sixth Mafia network, the Stefano Magaddino Family based in the Buffalo-Niagara Falls area. NYS alone gave birth to six different borgatas.

So the question is, which of the following eight states listed below also had Families that originated and headquartered there?

NOTE: We are NOT asking how many different families may have operated in a particular State or had a few men or a crew operating within its borders. We are only asking about Families that “originated” in that State as their home-base.

Here are your choices;

* California
* Illinois
* Michigan
* Missouri
* New England
* New Jersey
* Pennsylvania
* Wisconsin

Make your picks and expand on your answers as you wish.

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/12/23 07:56 AM.