Nothing to do with fanboying. Some of you on here are so stuck in the past it's almost painful to watch. It's not the 1960s anymore.

And when it comes to "the rules"...give me a break. Narcotics are "against the rules", right? You can bet your bottom dollar that any viable family is involved in narcotics and nobody is getting shelved over it. Why? Because the drug business generates a shit ton of money. Taking a plea deal is "against the rules", isn't it? They're all accepting plea agreements these days and have done so for a long long time.

There are only two "rules" that can be applied to any criminal organization active in the year of our Lord 2023;
1) Don't snitch on your colleagues
2) Make as much money as possible

People on here talking like someone should get whacked because he's gonna talk sports (not even about the life, just sports) on a platform EVERYONE is communicating on in this day and age when Joe Bonanno wrote a fuckin' book about the life all the way back in 1983 and lived to die of natural causes at the blessed age of 97. LMAO, get real.

Oh and please, save your "uh oh but you don't understand Cosa Nostra" rhetoric because no, I probably don't. And I don't care either. I do however understand what makes a gangster tick in 2023 and I can tell some of you on here would make some broke ass gangsters with that stuck in the stone ages mentality.
Camorra and Ndrangheta clans are screwing "the rules" time and time again and they're THRIVING.

It's time to wake up and smell the 21st century.