Last night I came across someone on TV claim that people who get bored are boring people. Then I wondered when was the last time I got bored before judging the statement because obviously if I was bored earlier that day I'd disagree whilst if I couldn't remember the last time I got bored I'd agree – biased that I am.

After consideration I have to partially agree with the comment. Only partially though because some tasks are just not interesting to an individual, for example I am bored when having to concentrate on hard text that I don't enjoy. But boredom out of a pure lack of imagination would indicate a boring person to me. I mean, how hard is it to keep your mind occupied? My mind is always occupied, not matter how surreal – even, and more often, during the most mundane of activities – especially at work.

So, are people who get bored boring people?

So die all who betray Giuliano