Rape of Caivano, 15 in the pack: among them two Camorra sons

New details emerge on the rape of two girls aged 10 and 12 (not 13 as announced at first) in Caivano, in the province of Naples. From what has been reconstructed, there are also the children of at least two leading members of the Camorra among the members of the pack. The number of those involved would be greater than six and could reach 15 children. The investigations by the carabinieri do not exclude that the pack abused the two girls several times and over several months.

The investigations

Cell phones have been seized and investigations into the phone records are underway. Investigators are also looking for possible videos of the violence. From what has been reconstructed, the girls, who are both in the community, were beaten and threatened by the boys who used violence against them. The investigation sees both the prosecutor’s office for minors of Naples and the prosecutor’s office of North Naples, competent for the involvement of an adult suspect, involved in coordination with each other. The investigators maintain a very strict confidentiality, and at the moment not even the indiscretion according to which the 19-year-old – under investigation in relation to the violence – would have been the subject of a precautionary measure is confirmed. The investigations by the juvenile prosecutor’s office would instead concern various subjects, at least a dozen, in relation both to the episode of the rape in the shed which took place in July and to the violence that allegedly took place in the previous months against one of the two cousins.