Chechnya is a bit of an unusual case. In terms of who's in power it still very much is a tribal society. That's why in order to end the Russian-Chechen bloodshed the Kremlin struck a deal with one of the biggest tribes/clans in the country - and the Kadyrov clan are definitely one of the bigger clans, especially at that time - to keep Chechnya under control. And whatever you may think of Kadyrov, thus far he definitely has been successful in terms of keeping Chechnya stable as a region within the Russian Federation. Chechen organized crime used to be the major non-Russian force in organized crime in Moscow and they had a huge stranglehold over certain sectors. These days Chechen organized crime is very much under the radar. Russia however funneled a ton of money into Chechnya, just in order to keep Kadyrov in steady power and to keep the region prosperous enough not to spiral out of control again. I guess only time will tell how long the Kremlin will deem Chechnya important enough to keep spending the amount of money on they've been spending on it for the past 14 years.

History has shown that things in Chechnya can escalate quickly and even now you never now who's on who's side. Whether you talk about the military, the general public or organized crime groups...some may be loyal to Kadyrov, others only "seem" loyal to Kadyrov but in reality they're just biding their time until the time is right to strike and take over and then there are others that are known to be opposed to Kadyrov. Under the surface of stability it's still a hornet's nest and it really doesn't take much to stir it up again.

Anyway the Chechen organized crime traditionally known to operate out of Moscow - such as the Tsentralnaya clan and the Ostankinskaya clan (both named after the area in Moscow out of which they operated) - did have ties to the Chechen militant movements during the second Chechen war. Usually though these were movements that strived for Ichkerian independence, but were opposed to the influence of Wahhabism the was creeping into certain parts of Chechen society.

Last edited by TheKillingJoke; 08/18/23 01:23 PM.