Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by Sullycantwell
Never said that ALL were anything, I merely said that we don’t know (unless we have prison psychiatric reports or something similar). I imagine a large number of these supposed “psychopaths” certainly were sadists and some were likely true psychopaths, but again, we don’t know. Also I never said that the mafia is righteous, I think they are literally the opposite. Continue living in your fantasy where me and mafia101 are B and Angelo or whoever you think we are, but I’m not.

Maybe you're "westside1931" although I thought that was mafia101 but maybe you have even more aliases than I originally thought...funny how everything is so "connected," if you know what I mean (and if you don't...go back to the Valenti thread.)

Lisa, it's like the old saying goes..."Children will be children." Lol

And like I always say, "Envious little adolescents are just that, envious little adolescents. They're also the worst kind."