How much difference is there between fed and state rico?

My husband is currently facing 11 state rico charges in NJ. NJ seems pretty harsh with their rico penalties. The judge has said if my husband were to be found guilty on all 11 charges and given max sentences, it would be 113 years for those 11 charges, which is ridiculous, but that's by the book.

The others that are facing charges along with my husband (the enterprise, as they are referred to), are all going to be on trial at the same time, together, like they want to do with Trump's case.
Also, the way the NJ prosecutor wrote up her one plea offer that they each got, it's contingent on all defendants taking their plea or nobody can. I don't know if that's part of rico or not, or if that will change at any point, but that's how she wrote it up.

Before this, I hadn't even realized rico can be on a state level. "Little RICO" it's sometimes referred to as.

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