Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Giuliani getting charged with RICO is almost hysterically funny. In some way it's the "reap what you sow" saying come to life.
Though whatever punishment he may or may not receive of it...I doubt it's gonna be adequate enough to compensate for all the shit he pulled or for all those years he walked around with that smug smirk on his face.

He destroyed a lot of guys...while the cameras shined on his stupid face. Lol.

And I'm not talkin' just about mob guys either (although he tortured many "good" guys over shit charges,) but lots of relatives of innocent of guys, friends, and fellas on the rim because it made him look like the ultimate " Racket Buster."

So, as far as I'm concerned? This present "problem" he's now facing, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Lol