Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
Originally Posted by NYMafia
BT, that's an extremely tough question. After all, none of us have their true financial statements and know what they were truly worth.

But, if I had to guess? IMO? At least among the NYC/NJ guys? I'd say a Frank Costello, Joe Profaci, Joe Bonanno, were the very 'creme de la creme' as far as wealth went. Ya just don't get much better than them! Period!

If I had to narrow it down? I'd go with Costello or Profaci. Most people have some sort of understanding of just how wealthy Frank was (although few really understand.) But Profaci? His financial legacy get mucked up because of the gang wars and blood over the Gallo insurrection. But trust me, this man was a dynamo! And one of the very wealthiest of all!!!

PS: I will be posting up my FULL opinions about each of the men listed soon. In fact, I've actually be working on it for a few days already.

That's why I chose Profaci. Despite the wars and everything else, we know that his family today is still reaping benefits.

Guess what BT? I gotta tip my hat to you! Because, without a doubt, you and I are in the minority by picking Profaci. In fact, based upon the very same opinion poll we posted up on our Mob Fireside Chat "Community Page," Profaci came in last. Lol. Yet, he should have ranked in first, or second place, at the very least.

So bravo my friend!

As I mentioned earlier. I'll be providing all the evidence in support of our position down the pike a bit. As soon as I can write it all out in a clear and legible manner for all to read.