8/12, 10:43 PM (Source: TeleTrader)
Zelensky thanks Germany, Netherlands for aid

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked on Saturday the German government following the delivery of two more Patriot launchers, which were sent on Wednesday. He also thanked the Netherlands for the mobile medical support complexes it provided for the Ukrainian border guards. "The Netherlands is among the leaders in defense and political cooperation with Ukraine," he said. Zelensky added that Azerbaijan is ready to provide a new package of humanitarian support, including demining equipment. He insisted that Ukraine should establish a domestic production...

Zelensky added that Azerbaijan is ready to provide a new package of humanitarian support, including demining equipment. He insisted that Ukraine should establish a domestic production base for demining equipment, and that "this task should be completed not in decades, but in years."

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Last edited by Hollander; 08/12/23 09:52 PM.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"