Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by Toodoped
....in addition to my previous post, besides being a total psycho, torturer and a murderer, I already said that during the 50s and 60s he was making millions out various rackets but one of the most interesting thing for me is that DeStefano corrupted so many cops to the level which some of DeStefanos juice victims were brought in police cars straight to his headquarters. Story goes that he had whole police squads on juice and so they had to work it out somehow, and obviously one of the things was to find some of his juice victims and to bring them over to him. One of DeStefanos crazy statements on national televesion while counting money in front of all news reporters, was that he can lend money even to the US President if he wanted to, or something to that extent, was somehow true lol

This guy deserves a film made about how scary he was.


He who can never endure the bad will never see the good