Originally Posted by NYMafia
Todays' laugh of the day...


Vito, an old Italian winemaker, decided to go the village church, and to confession, for the first time in decades.

Upon walking into the confessional booth, the priest slid open the small window between them, and Vito started, "Padre, during World War II, a beautiful young woman knocked at my door one day and pleaded for me to hide her from the Nazis. She was crying and shaking like a leaf, so I took pity on her and allowed her into my home. I then hid her away in the windowless attic to protect her, where I set her up with a mattress and pillow and fed her every day."

Hearing this, the priest replied, "What a wonderful thing you've done my son! I was really not expecting to hear anything like this."

"But Padre, it gets even worse." the old man continued. "After a few weeks living in my home, the young woman started to flirt with me and eventually boldly came on to me sexually. She was so gorgeous and had such a sexy body and sultry way about her, that I simply could not resist bedding her."

The priest listened intently, and then explained, "Well, you know, in times of war people can sometimes do things that they wouldn't do under normal circumstances." He then continued, "But if you're truly sorry for what you've done and for your transgressions, then God will forgive you!"

Upon hearing this, Vito remarked, "Thank you Padre. Your comforting words are a big relief to me. Because it's really taken a toll on me over the years. But can I ask one question of you?"

"Of course. What is it my son?" Inquired the priest.

Vito hesitated for a moment and then nervously asked, "Do you think I should let her know that the war's over?"

ButtonGuys hopes everybody has themselves a great day!

Honestly, another good one lol lol clap

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good