Did Sonny regard Tom as a real brother? really “family”?
Originally Posted by Turnbull
Extracts: Sonny: “They shot my father,” “It’s easy for you [Tom] to say, he’s not your father.”
Well you just do what I tell you to do! Goddamn it!
If I had a wartime consiglieri -- a Sicilian -- I wouldn't be in this shape! Pop had Genco -- look what I got
(then, after exhaling)
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Ma made a little dinner -- it's Sunday....

Vito didn't take consiglieri Tom into his confidence and kept Tom totally in the dark about the Baptism massacre
Again, Tom was not really “family” to the Corleones? or ?!!
Vito: Michael has all my confidence as -- as you do But uh -- there are reasons why you must have no part in what is going to happen
Michael: Yeah -- there's a lot I can't tell you -- but it's -- it's because I admire you and I love you that I kept things secret from you

  • Side question please
Normal procedure, Barzini's consiglieri would approach Michael's consiglieri that “Barzini wants to arrange a meeting. He says we can straighten any of our problems out....”
Vito: Now listen -- whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting -- he's the traitor. Don't forget that

If Tom had been approached and Tom not a wartime consiglieri -- believing it was a genuine offer! and took it to Michael -
  • Then what happens?!
  • why didn't Barzini get his consiglieri to approach Michael's consiglieri
  • also Barzini had been chiselling Corleone territories and suddenly this Barzini meeting --

If Barzini had been smart! and gone through their respective consiglieris could have thrown everyone off and may have been All over Red rover! for Michael. Barzini now the Top Mafia Don