Originally Posted by Liggio
Nobody really knows, and I hate how some people here will say beyond a doubt that they don't have those ties anymore just because it hasn't been out in the news lately. If it's not in the news, it doesn't exist mentality that seems to be so prevalent here.

There is definitely Bonanno's with that lineage still, whether they have any strong links I guess is the debate but it would appear so from what I've read. I believe Ace Aiello is also Castellamarese heritage. There's a guy Bonventre is the Asaro crew who I assume of that heritage too so there's plenty of them. On that case with Francesco Domingo a couple years back they spoke about links to the Bonannos. A few guys I have not heard of before who are based in Queens and the article also mentioned that a guy "Jo" was the person to speak to in New York. My assumption on that was "Jo" was either Grimaldi or Cammarano but could be someone else. I believe the article also said that Domingo's brother had lived in New York