Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry
When these "Private" Casions wereup and running, a few decades ago, they paid 10 to 1.
Today's Vegas Casinos are paying 7 to 1. So how'bout we can it a "bunch"? :-)

Well, I guess its like anything else, bookmaking, the numbers, etc. Depending on 'the play' coming in, the bankroll, and the backers involved, they move the odds accordingly.

I remember back in the 1960s and 1970s, in NY, the old Harlem 'number' originally payed off at 650 to 1. Then it became 600 to 1. Then it went down to 550 to 1. Then it went back up again when there was more competition.

Bookies too for that matter! Once OTB came into existence, all our neighborhood bookmakers jacked up the payoffs to try and keep their customers playin' with them.