With Daniele Ranieri it gets complicated but who is to say they got to him and flipped. Many things could of happened but I cannot speculate short of police tapes or witnesses right.

That was my point at the very beginning with the Barberi/Serrano and the Angelo Musitano. They are saying it was the same shooters and two of them new Ranieri and One of them Cudmore joined Ranieri in Mexico and were both killed. I was saying there is something that doesn't add up. I am not saying that is what happened , but what if they flipped , profited from both shooting and fled; there could be many scenarios. It could also be something that happened from that Ursino police raid. Or one group trying to caused a splinter between two clan. That is what I was looking for, a logical explanation.and haven't found one yet.
Furthermore all his predecessors (point man list I posted the other day) got whacked except for one who turned informant. It was only a matter of time he would be next and fled to Mexico where he thought it would be safe.

Last edited by Ciment; 08/02/23 04:49 PM.