Originally Posted by VitoCahill
is there any good evidence that billy russo is even a captain? this would be andrew russo's son correct. if indeed billy is he would have been closest to his father you would think. neither he nor teddy jr make any sense to me. again i ask at what point do those capos or high earning soldiers just stop kicking up to this group of constantly indicted members? this group i mention would comprise persico related members and long time associates.

I believe it was Capeci that reported when Andrew Russo and the leadership got indicted a couple of years ago now that some of the captains and members of the family did not want to speak just with Andrew Russo because he couldn't remember anything, I guess early stage dementia. They were talking about sending messages to Billy or making sure he was present at any meetings they had with Andrew. I believe in the article Billy was referred to as a captain but not certain on that. This may just be because he's a member and the son of the boss but it did sound like he was well-respected and trusted from how the wiretaps sounded. That some other guy is now acting boss suggests he is not interest in climbing the ladder of the family and is happy living under the radar which seems to have served him well