Originally Posted by Mafia101
Originally Posted by Ciment
When I mentioned Rizzuto of course it includes the Cuntrera/Caruana and Musitano groups. So if you want me to be specific. It would be Musitano/Cuntrera/Caruana/Rizzuto vs Luppino/Violi/Commisso/Ndrangheta. I thought it was understood. And I am not talking about formal affiliation of the past. I know quite well about the Gambino affiliation and Tony Iavarone wedding attendance. I am talking about Canadian ties of the recent war that was waged with the Musitano clan and the others that I just listed. Iavarone must of had ties to one group or another. They just don't start shooting x/or Gambino people for no reason.
So I thank you once again.

I don't think I'm following what you're asking then because I did say where I think Tony Iavarone's current affiliation lies and I base that on Albert Iavarone being made in Los Angeles.

I don't understand your assessment that this is Musitano/Cuntrera/Caruana/Rizzuto vs Luppino/Violi/Commisso/Ndrangheta. We don't know half of these guys are involved in this and you left out the one we do know was involved. Where's the Iavarones/Gambinos? How is Commisso or even the Ndrangheta being added into this? If you're basing it just from the shooting on Diego Serrano's kid that's a big jump because we don't know the shootings are connected and wasn't Diego Serrano a Ursino guy not a Commisso guy? How are you adding the Rizzutos into it? Dom Violi's own words were they all get along when talking about Montreal.

So cousins of Commisso getting killed, Luppino son getting killed, Commisso cafe's /restaurant shot at & bombed, Cuntrera (DiManno bakery) molotov cocktail , Cuntrera houses getting shot at & arson, Musitano's getting shot, Toronto Star article I gave you about Ranieri that contradicted what you said and I could go on and on . Multiple News articles and book authors mentioning that Rizzuto and Musitano are allies in this plight. Furthermore, I never said Serrano was a Commisso guy read my original post I mentioned Ursino . If you wish to ridicule my assessment at least call it as it is. Then all these facts and criminal acts being perpetrated to the Commisso, Luppino ,Cuntrera and others are just a fantasy that I made up. Sorry for disturbing you It will not happen again. Thank You

Last edited by Ciment; 08/01/23 04:07 PM.