Antonio Bardellino and the strange birth certificate: new doubts about his death
of editorial staff August 1, 2023in Chronicle News
Reading time: 2 minutes

The boss's wife presented a document with the name of a "ghost" man

The investigation that aims to shed light on the fate of Antonio Bardellino, the founder of the Casalesi clan who according to the sentence of the Spartacus maxi-trial, and also according to a repentant of the caliber of Carmine Schiavone, was born from an at least anomalous birth certificate (but his body was never found) in Brazil in 1988 by Mario Iovine to avenge the murder of his brother Domenico.

The certificate in question has been the subject of investigations by the DNA (with the national prosecutor Giovanni Melillo and the anti-mafia prosecutor Antonello Ardituro), but not only, since the story in some way also involves the prosecutors of Rome and Naples. Presented in 2003 to the registry office of Formia by the wife of the deceased capoclan, acquired by a now deceased financier, the certificate concerns the birth of a child, daughter of the woman and of a man who does not seem to exist: this man's name - indeed he would be called – Marco Bardellino Diana and, despite the investigations of the investigators, no trace of him has been found, as if he were a ghost. The fact is that the mother of that girl (now a woman) is Bardellino's ex-partner (who has two other children, both with maternal surname) and the alleged father bears the surname of the boss – Bardellino – associated with the surname of the latter's mother, Diana. A strange coincidence.

The investigations
During the investigations, the investigators also found other elements - including testimonies whose veracity is being examined - which would seem to lend credence to the hypothesis that in reality Antonio Bardellino was not killed in 1988, but instead fled from Italy to the vault of the Americas.

In recent weeks, during some searches by the police in Formia, a small underground compartment, 170 centimeters high, was discovered in an apartment in the past attributable to the founder of the Casalesi clan which could be one of Bardellino's hideouts. This latest discovery is the result of the investigations by the DDA of Rome and Naples into the attempted murder of Gustavo Bardellino, 43, the boss's nephew, which took place in February 2022.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"