Is anyone familiar with the Mila Barberi and the Angelo Musitano shootings ?

I am perplexed on the Barberi murder/attempted murder Saverio Serrano whom police say he was the intended target and that of Angelo Musitano shot dead in his driveway. We all know Musitano sided with the Ruzzuto's and that Saverio Serrano is the son of Diego Serrano who was arrested along with Ursino in the Ophoenix police raid. The police identified two men believed to have been directly involved in both murders. How can that be if both victims are rivals or am I wrong to believe that ? Furthermore Cudmore suspected to be involved in both murders, joins his friend Ranieri (whom the Rizzuto's replaced Fernandez with in Toronto) , then both Ranieri and Cudmore get killed in Mexico. Does anyone have a good explanation ?