Originally Posted by thekidfromthesouth
Originally Posted by RushStreet
Then decided he was a tough guy, how long would this guy last if he pissed off the KGB?

So my question is......

We know the KGB are some bad ass motherfuckers. Would a Cartel even stand a chance if they got on the bad side of the Russians? Who wins war in this situation?

I'd have to say the KGB whipes the floor with EL TACO. No fuckin way would any Cartel be able to defeat the KGB!!!

Wel buddy thas a hard question i know one thing i know one thing if just one cartel member walk into your shitty apartment he would wipe the your racist worthless ass theu
Y be doing society a huge favor

Go get your shine box. I heard you are a good shoe shine boy.

P.S. You dress like a homeless bum.

Last edited by RushStreet; 07/28/23 11:29 AM.