Back in the old west there was a story often told about a town's sheriff who owned an amazing stallion. And this sheriff was once abducted by a gang of outlaws.

The bandits knocked the sheriff off his horse, beat him badly, then tied him up with rope. They cut the horse loose and let him run away free, but kidnapped the sheriff and threw him inside an old barn, where he was held against his will.

But later that first evening, the devoted horse returned for its master when no one was watching. It slipped into the barn and went to the sheriff, who pet his trusty horse while whispering something in its ear...the horse then galloped away into the darkness.

About an hour or so later, the horse returned with a beautiful young lady on its back. The young woman spent the entire night with the sheriff and left before sunrise.

The following evening the horse came back to see its master once again, and the sheriff whispered more orders into its ear. Sure enough, later that evening the horse returned with another beautiful young lady, who entertained the sheriff and left before the kidnappers noticed anything.

On the third night the horse returned to its master once more. But this time, a bit frustrated already, the sheriff whispered more explicitly to his trusty stallion, "Listen up good this time, ok? I said, bring me the POSSE!"

Hope everybody has a nice Friday...TGIF!

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/28/23 03:48 AM.