Operation Malea, 'Ndrangheta between Mammola and Luxembourg: the top roles within the gang (NOMI)
At the top of the "dome" of Mammola, according to the investigators, there is Rodolfo Scali, already involved in other investigations in the past. A police superintendent was also among those arrested
July 25, 2023

The staff of the Reggio Calabria police, in Italy and abroad (Luxembourg), enforced a precautionary custody order issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Reggio Calabria at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office-District Anti-Mafia Directorate, directed by the prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri, against 12 people (8 in prison and 4 under house arrest) suspected, for various reasons, and in the state of the proceedings in the preliminary investigation phase and subject to various evaluations in the subsequent phases, of the crimes of mafia association, extortion, attempted murder, illegal possession of weapons, possession and sale of drugs and private violence. In addition to the recipients of the restrictive measures, a further 7 individuals are under investigation in the criminal proceedings, in a state of freedom.

The role of Rodolfo Scali
At the top of the same, and therefore with the role of local chief, according to what was reconstructed in the course of the investigations, there is Rodolfo Scali , already involved in the past in the investigations "Prima Luce", "Crimine" and "Minotauro". Always according to the investigators, Scali's brother-in-law Damiano Abbate , with the role of capo società, and Isidoro Cosimo Callà, the capo crimine, supported Scali in running the association and in implementing the criminal program. Nicodemo Deciso, Nicodemo Fiorenzi, Raffaele Romeo, Domenico Spanò and Ferdinando Cimino are believed to participate in the same association .

"The king is dead, long live the king!"