A tribe of Nomads lived in the great Arabian desert.

Their leader, Benny, had risen to his rank due to his magnificent flowing beard. His followers believed the ancient proverb that a man's strength and courage emanated from his beard, and thus, the man with the longest beard would be their chief.

After leading his tribe for many years, Benny began to feel very uncomfortable and itchy wearing the beard as they traversed this hot and dusty land.

So one day he decided he wanted to shave it off, but first called his wise council together to get their sage advice.

When he stated he wanted to shave off his beard, the elders and tribe's councilmen were completed shocked and advised him against it, stating, "Do you not remember the ancient legend? A leader who removes his beard will be cursed for the ages and turned into a piece of earthenware."

Benny had heard the ancient legend. But being a logical and modern thinking man, he had always scoffed at what he perceived to be a false tale.

He was very headstrong and determined, and so, despite the warning, Benny went ahead anyway, cutting and scraping away his once magnificent beard.

As he removed the final whisker from his face a huge dust storm kicked up across the entire desert. It only lasted for a few seconds, but when it cleared, there was now a man-sized vessel of clay, in the exact spot, where only moments earlier Akmed had stood before them.

...Taken back as they witnessed this miraculous event, the entire council knew at once that the ancient proverb they had been taught to follow was true... "A Benny shaved, is a Benny urned."

Have a nice day gentlemen!