Originally Posted by Toodoped
We have certified liar over here.

Ppl told me that he said that hes been on THESE FORUMS since June of 2022, while on the other hand he instantly pulled out a msg from 2016 or 7 years old, and instantly defended Angelina (another liar who cant even speak Italian but pretends to be a legit Sicilian), and hes obsessed with the "consiglio" stuff. How did "Skully cant read well" know about the 2016 msg? He went through all of the threads in the graveyard section at the BH? I dont think so lol He is backed by "someone".

This means that this bullshit artist is sent here by the junkie crew to create havoc, and he obviously belong to that same group of liars and frauds. I already know who he really is and hes going to get it real bad, meaning people are dying over there from overdoses and thats what is going to happen to him too.

So again for the last time, people pls ignore him.

Or… I literally went through the old graveyard threads because I found them hilarious. Who would send me here lol. If I was a liar why would I first share files here and second share a photo of Vincenzo Chiappetta that, to my knowledge, wasn’t ever seen before.