'Ndrangheta Bank
For years, investigations have focused on finance as a real highway for clan money. A monstrous turnover, 130 billion a year, which alone would restore the state's accounts. And that is cleaned up with the complicity of consultants, hackers and compliant officials

by Carlo Bonini (editorial coordination), Alessia Candito, Giuliano Foschini. Multimedia coordination Laura Pertici. Gedi Visual production
JULY 16, 2023 AT 00:02

The latest data, necessarily approximate and probably approximated by default, comes from Eurispes. The turnover of the mafias, the institute estimates, is 130 billion euros a year. A third, about 40, are moved only by the 'Ndrangheta. To be clear, it is four times the value of the last budget. Ten times the funds that the government would like to use for the construction of the bridge over the strait.

La Repubblica article behind paywall.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"