Originally Posted by Sullycantwell
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Sully, If I may ask you. What was the criteria they used to connect Mineo as a member of the early Profaci Family, per se?

Because Giuseppe Morello was an early power from Downtown and Uptown in Harlem (not Brooklyn territory.) And having been killed by Fontana being killed by Mineo's family could just as easily point to the Salvatore D'Aquila Family (future Gambino Family), no?

If it's possible, could you please post up that portion of the article that speaks to this? I'd enjoy seeing it.

If you can, I thank you in advance.

Clemente made a clear distinction between D'Aquila and Mineo. They had two seperate families (the family split sometime before Fontana's murder).

Thank you for that Sully. I just read it.

But to be honest with you, these particular statements, allegedly made by Clemente, open up more questions than they answer. And they also open up a Pandora's box so to speak. Because, despite saying he was a member, either Clemente was confused (or ignorant of where the 'true' powers laid in these families), or the person documenting his remarks copied them down incorrectly.

The D'Aquila Family (although they had men all over the city), were always considered Brooklyn based, along with what later became the Bonanno and Profaci crews. And we know (or think we know) that Manfredi Mineo was neither a Masseria or Morello member.

So there are lots of conflicting words and thoughts in that paragraph you posted form Informer. Clemente's statement are inconsistent with what went know to be true.

I don't necessarily buy it.