They’re both complete jerkoffs and rats but at the end of the day Cicale > Alite .

At least Cicale at one point was actually straightened out , actually involved in the life, and was a somebody.

For the record, I don’t watch any of the YouTube rats because I find them to be desperate liars that make me sick. The only YouTube rat I ever watched was that Phil Leonetti interview a few years ago.

Rat Finger Lou must be so completely terrified of Borgesi because I could see him doing YouTube rat videos to pimp himself out for a few measly bucks as he’s currently at the moment selling pyramid scheme laundry detergents for a living lol . Heard he had to sell his house in Ventnor that he was bragging about too…..Comical Scumbags all these rats, but I find Alite to be the worst of them all because he isn’t even Italian and was never an LCN Associate. Hes an Albanian who sold coke and was friends with Junior Gotti who is also a douchebag.

Natale is the second worst of all the YouTube rats but at least his stories were such outlandish lies if you actually believed them you probably also believe in the Tooth Fairy.

Alite is the worst because he simply won’t go away, tries to make a living off being a YouTube rat because he’s so broke, and he tells lies that are hard to get caught on that the majority of the American Joe Blow public who didn’t know better would believe.
