I’ll take Cicale over Alite, at least Cicale is actually Italian and was actually involved in the life before ratting.

Alite at one point was pretending to be Italian and pretending that he was on record when in reality he was nothing but an Albanian Drug Dealer who knew Junior Gotti when they were kids.

Alite tells nothing but complete lies because he’s completely broke, selling prescription pills while cashing disability checks and living on food stamps. He also pretends he never ratted and tries to act like he’s still some sort of Wiseguy , it’s quite comical.

Alite is so desperate for money these days he lives off whatever measly bucks he makes off YouTube so he’s going to make up stories to get views and/or try to live off the Gotti name.

He also supplements his measly YouTube bucks with disability checks and Food Stamps, Alite is so fucking stupid he actually missed out on what could have been a huge money maker for him:

A reality TV show with cameras everywhere for when he was rooming/roommates with that Hillbilly Fraud with schizophrenia Jeff Lowman aka Jeff Canarsie (who is also on disability) and they were living together trying to act like wiseguys together and pick up broads together. That might have been the reality TV comedy of the Century.


I would have payed to watch that reality TV Show! I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it must have been like to actually witness those two delusional , fraud retards living together as roommates and pretending to be wiseguys together and fucking ugly pigs together. Lmfao

However, Those two comical retard roommates had a falling out when they were busted abusing some 18 year old girl addicted to prescription pills and the one retard blamed the other retard while Alite was selling pills and taking advantage of women addicted to prescription pills.

Now Alite is back living in his son’s basement in Freehold…
