The Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY Family

Giuseppe (Joe) Di Carlo Sr. Early 1910-1920
Giovanni (Big John) Montana ?
Angelo (Buffalo Bill) Palmieri 1920s
Stefano (The Old Man) Magaddino 1920s-1974
Salvatore (Sam) Pieri 1970s ?
Joseph (Lead-Pipe Joe) Todaro Sr. Late 1970s-2012
Joseph Todaro Jr. 2012 forward

This is the best I can deduce for the "official" lineup of bosses for the Buffalo Family. There were, of course, many acting and temporary interim bosses installed after Magaddino was deposed from leadership, and as the family went through a realignment of powers and factions. After all the smoke cleared, Joe Todaro Sr. was elected by the rank-n-file to become the new boss of the Family. And subsequently, after his death, his son Joe Jr. is believed to have stepped into the breach.

Note: I welcome everyone on the forum to contribute any additional information they may have about the chronology of this iconic Cosa Nostra network.