Originally Posted by Mafia101
Vincent Basciano was never Official Boss.
Peter Gotti after John Gotti.
Andrew Russo after Carmine Persico.
Joseph Magliocco was never recognized by the Commission.


After Massino became a rat, I believe Basciano was considered the "new" boss by the general rank and file, until his own troubles.

You are correct in reference to Peter Gotti. I forgot about him.

You are also correct about Andrew Russo, after Junior died. (although there is still much controversy regarding the 'true' boss during that time)

Joe Magliocco, although never officially ratified by the Commission, was the official underboss to Profaci, and did indeed control the that family as the "de facto" boss for upwards of one year, until he was finally told to step down in favor of Joe Colombo.