Fredo moments! in Havana

  • Fredo and the Hotel porter
Fredo wrestling! the briefcase [That two million -- ] from the hotel porter

  • $2 million
Fredo says out loud what was in the briefcase.... then whoop!
Fredo: Jesus Christ, what a trip -- the whole time I'm thinkin' what if somebody knows what I got in here. Can you imagine that, huh? Two million dollars in the seat next to me in the plane?
[Fredo opens up the briefcase, unzips it and begins to show Michael the money. He then looks over at the Bodyguard]
Fredo: Whoop! excuse me

  • Fredo's first lie
Fredo: No -- I never met them [Roth and Ola] sirens in the background
[sirens not dissimilar to the squeaking train passing close by, just before Michael killed Sollozzo and McCluskey]
Fredo: Listen, Mikey, I'm uh -- I'm kind of, uh -- (Michael lights a cigarette for Fredo) -- I'm kinda nervous from the trip.
Can I -- can I get a - a drink or something?
[Oops! why did I ask? “Oh -- well that's great -- Havana's great -- it's my kinda town -- anybody I know in Havana?”]

  • Fredo's superman excitement
Fredo so taken up with Superman's....! [Cazale's superb acting – Fredo's face wow!]