
The Mob once had 26 Families spread out across the United States. Today, it’s well documented that less than 10 of those same Families still exist, and aside from the Five Families and Philadelphia, the ones that do exist in other cities are literally shells of their former selves.

Since at least the 1980s and 1990s the Mob has seen its key rackets and sources of revenue stripped away over the last decades. Las Vegas Casinos, Caribbean Casinos, the mob’s stranglehold over the “Big Four;” International Brotherhood of Teamsters, International Longshoremen Union, International Laborers Union, and the Hotel, Restaurant & Bartenders Union International has all been take away from them.

Add to that the legalization of liquor, off-track betting, state lotteries, legalized casinos in more than half of the states in America, the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana, etc., etc., etc., and you have the “recipe” that killing the mob.

Add to all of that the fact that nowadays the Mob doesn’t have the ability to bribe entire neighborhood precincts and police departments like years ago, can’t rely on rigged courts and corrupt judges, has no national influence over politics like back in the days of a Frank Costello, Tony Accardo, or Carlos Marcello, and there ya have it….slowly the Mob is dying off.

Do hoodlums remind? Definitely! Will the Mob continue for several decades to come in the future? Definitely! But they aren’t the same Mob that we research and talk about here….And they AIN’T making a comeback anytime soon! And it ain't a "growth industry," thats for sure!

Logic, research, common sense, intelligence, and the raw facts clearly demonstrate that…But hey, what do I know, right? Lol
Like the man once said, “Everyones free to believe what they want to believe. Thats what makes the world go round and round.”