Sicilian Blood: The Produce War in Palermo

According to Giuseppe Montalbano, a deputy in the Regional Parliament, “Sicilians are by nature delinquents, all mafiosi or tending to mafiosi.” To him, “the mafia constituted an occult middle class with its fingers in every social stratum, imposing on the aristocracy while intimidating the peasant.” *

Late, thirty minutes before midnight, on August 22, 1956, Nino Cottone was dead.

History reminds us to tell the truth, then at times, leads us down dark alleys infested with deceit and fabrication. Sorting out the fact from the fiction is an endless puzzle that faces investigation into the Mafia history of Sicily. The brutal killing of a man outside his home in a small town on the outskirts of Palermo was a last act in a drama over oranges and lemons and mandarins.

Like so many of his peers, his end was violent, planned, and engineered for a purpose.

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Last edited by GangstersInc; 06/09/23 01:24 AM.

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