Originally Posted by RushStreet
CHITOWN i've lived in the Chicagoland are my entire life and you my friend are a fucking ignorant piece of trash.

Nothing racist calling you out. You are delusional. You claim back in the 90s you couldn't walk through Cabrini Green without getting shot?!!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!!! Now you can't even walk in the Lakeview area or River North without getting shot!!!! Not once during my younger years did I ever see this happening!! Bottom line violent crime has skyrocketed in neighborhoods that were once safe to walk through. That is a fact!!!

Chicago is a shithole and you smell like a big fat pile of bullshit. Let me ask you a ???

Are you in fact that cocksucker Brandon Johnson? The new Mayor?

You must be. That is all.

Yeah most of you righties don't like it when I hold your face to a mirror. Pal people are jam packed eating lunch outside all over the city - River North, Lakeview, etc. Turn off Tucker Cuckerson and go outside. Its summertime Chi. Go be a fucking human. Go catch a game, go to a concert. Have some pride in your city and stop letting racist hicks from the south talk shit about it. I voted against Johnson I don't like him - I dream about punching lightfoot in the face after this Casino debacle - but I was here when Chicago mayors would pull stunts like live in cabrini green - believe me, Chicago is for tough people - go ahead and try Florida if your scared. Chicago will never be a 'liberal' or 'conservative' city - it will be about the money city. It's all a show for the suckers - don't be one.

Last edited by ChiTown; 06/08/23 12:19 PM.