''No worsening for Messina Denaro'', says the Head of Oncology at the L'Aquila hospital
AMTwo thousand 08 June 2023
"There has been no substantial worsening of the state of the disease, no hospitalization is in sight, the situation is characterized by a normal course of a cancer patient". This was told to the ANSA agency by Professor Luciano Mutti , head of the oncology department of the L'Aquila hospital, head of the team that is treating the mafia boss, Matteo Messina Denaro , suffering from colon cancer, locked up under regime of 41bis in the maximum security prison of L'Aquila. With very measured words given the delicacy of the case and the great reserve that is imposed on the affair, the professor underlines that there is therefore no cause for immediate alarm for Messina Denaro.
The former fugitive, arrested in Palermo on 16 January and from the following day locked up in the prison located in the Aquilan hamlet of Preturo, continues his treatment in prison: in particular, he undergoes, in the clinic created ad hoc for reasons of security, in a prison room in front of his cell, with regular cycles of chemotherapy and pain therapy.
"Messina Denaro continues the treatments, like any other patient suffering from this disease - explained Professor Mutti -. I can only stigmatize the interpretation given to some of my statements: I only said as a general principle that an oncological patient is subject in his journey to hospitalizations. It can happen. But this is not the case. There is noAccording to what has been learned, the 61-year-old mafia boss leads a regular life, moves around, can eat anything: naturally, compatibly with the hard prison regime.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"