Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Lana

Tom lets his one and only client Michael commit up to five counts of perjury, seemingly happy! and says somewhat gleefully! that “Roth well he -- he played this one beautifully”

Yes, if not gleeful, definitely admiring of Roth. And yes, he did let Michael down massively. "Our people with the New York detective squad..." If they were "our people," why weren't you on top of the Pentangeli survival and arrest? Duh-h-h, Tom!

"You've opened yourself up to five counts of perjury.," he tells Michael, as if Tom had nothing to do with it, after advising his client to take the Fifth before he testified. If I were psychologizing, I'd almost be tempted to say that Tom, after taking all that abuse from Michael, was taking satisfaction from Michael's predicament.

True certainly looked that way though it is [self] punishment! every time. Also Tom's glee and satisfaction wouldn't have escaped Michael who'd have noted this disloyalty and Tom having a mistress wouldn't have sat well with him either

Michael didn't take refuge behind the Fifth amendment as it was his right to do which no doubt he never would have Nothing to hide
I don't remember, Tom advising his client to take the Fifth before he testified -- as if Also they didn't know Alive -- Pentangeli is alive.

Then trying to discourage Michael from talking to Fredo who knew plenty

He is on the run now but a man like Roth, In my home! In my bedroom! where my wife sleeps! In my home! if he was alive would risk going through it all again until he had Michael dead but Tom wanted a man in Michael's position to be made to look ridiculous! or dead.

He may not be a wartime Consiglieri but he can be deadly and ruthless, himself
1. Tessio's murder
2. hooker murder / Geary compromise
3. Pentangeli's suicide

Don Tom having had a taste of Donship, Revenge is a dish best served cold indeed