Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by MemphisMafia
Thank you Toodoped I did a little editing afterward but any +1 from you is much appreciated you are the Outfit guy here as far as I'm concerned.Yeah Culllata said the bosses back home,i assume he meant Auippa,Cerone Lombardo,Whoever,had called him to Chicago and asked if he was sleeping with Lefty's wife.I dont believe that really I doubt he was that important for the bosses to call in

Thanks for the kind words bud and the same respect goes to you since we are all here to contribute regarding these "complicated" situations within the Chicago syndicate.

I have info from the 1970s in which we can see Spilotro having meetings and telephone calls with Cerone, Giancana, Alex and obviously with Lombardo who in turn was his capo. Lombardo was also a killer but not like Spilotro, although it seems Lombardo had the brains for business and thats why he was given authority over Allen Dorfman.

Interesting to note is the 1974/75 meetings with Spilotro, Cerone and Giancana. We dont have info on what was discussed during the meeting/meetings but it is interesting that Giancana was former boss (some sources say possibly still concidered official), Cerone was senior advisor since he recently got out of prison and was "forced" to take Alex's position for a short time period, and Spilotro was already a Vegas rep at the time.

Regarding Spilotro allegedly sleeping with Lefty's wife...I agree with you since even though Lefty was allegedly a "connected" associate, still I doubt that the bosses cared if a made guy fucked the wife of an associate, although if you look at the situation from a different angle or point of view, Lefty was still their main operator and he needed to feel both protected and respected.

Regarding the rule of sleeping with a made member's wife or girlfriend...i dont think the Chi guys respected the rule since Giancana was fucking "every" female, including the wives of made members and theres a rumour that Giancana allegedly slept with Spilotros wife, too So maybe one of the meetings between Giancana and Spilotro was all about it?! Lol Just kidding but who knows...

The only story I personally know is "Sambo" aka "Blackie" Cesario allegedly being killed because he married former mistress of Phil Alderisio, who in turn was already dead at the time. Story goes that Cesario even asked and received the ok from Alderisio, before the old west side boss died in jail. This was said by Outfit associate Jerry Denono but I personally found the story a little bit suspicious.

Did you ever come across Tony Spilotro interceeding against a NYC family in Vegas? I also found those wiretaps of him and Agosto from KC talking - they try to talk Italian and Spilotro has trouble understanding - admits he doesn't speak it well. Thought that was kind of interesting and frankly - something he would have lost respect for.