Some Sunday Shenanigans...

Mr. O'Malley started noticing that he felt extremely under the weather certain days of the week, while on other days, he consistently felt great. So he decided to make an appointment with his physician to see what was wrong with him.

After arriving at the doctor's office and sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes, he was finally called into the examination room. Dr. Vinny Boombotz asked him, "So what's wrong Mr. O'Malley?"

Well, O'Malley replied, "Why do I consistently always feel so great on Saturdays and Sundays, but feel so sick on all the other days of the week?

So Dr. Boombotz said, "Let me take a good look at you and see what's going on here." The doctor then proceeded to give O'Malley a thorough examination. When he was done, he reviewed his notes in silence for a few minutes while rubbing his chin....

"Mr. O'Malley," exclaimed the doctor. I'm not positive, but from all indications it looks like you're suffering from a weekend immune system!

ButtonGuys hopes everybody has a good Sunday!...