The grandfather had all the money.

He died recently not sure what he did with it.

The boys were not wealthy they robbed all the money they had.

The made big money in the title business they had their mother, sister, brother in law all on the books at that title company robbed millions upon millions of dollars.

They got their whole family indicted.
Everyone except the father.

Their sister, brother in law and their cousin were all attorneys
They all got disbarred after they were convicted.

Just when Joe was getting out in a halfway house he got pinched for loan sharking with TG Graziano.

When he got out from that pinch he started PAR funding.
They raised $500MM and stole $200MM of it.

That is where they acquired their wealth.

In between pulling off these white collar scams they were hustling on the street
Giving out juice loans a few thousand at a time and taking action.

I am pretty sure their father is Buddy Laforte
It’s been a long time and my memory isn’t that good anymore.

They were never walking around their grandfathers money.
They stole everything they have now.

With all that said

They are going to get hit so hard this time around.
The brother James two months ago batted out the attorney working for the feds in the case,
He followed him after a hearing put a mask on and batted him out in the middle of the day.

This is the 3rd time they are being charged federally.
With the big money on the case and now the violence.

These brothers are prob not going to be offers a plea the feds HATE them I betcha S
Joe gets a 30 Piece
James gets 20+
And the poor wife her life is ruined she was no master mind she was along for the ride.

Now she is going down with the ship.