The biggest strike against Sheeran is that no one who was directly involved in the crime ever spoke to the the FBI or the press about it willingly, not even to deny it (except possibly Briguglio). And why would they? They are in secret organization. This may get you killed. Also, Sheeran does not fit the profile of someone who would be part of this hit. Finally, Goldsmith's book serves as a convincing exonaration of O'Brien. It can be certain that he was not directly involved, though I still don't believe O'Brien's story completely. As for Sheeran, the interesting thing is that, within days of the disapearence, he was seen with mob figures directly connected with the disapearence. This is suspicious to me. I do not think he was involved but his meeting with these people is not fully explained. Why would he be seen with them? He was openly pro-Hoffa. What would they need to be telling him? I suppose we will never know!!!